Slovenia: Should the fiscal lottery be renewed?

Last year (2022) was economically more stronger for Slovenia compared to the year 2021, partly because the measures against covid weakened, especially in the service sector. That is why the Government was surprised by the information that the number of digitally signed invoices in 2022 is 8.9% lower than in the previous year. This is especially pronounced in construction and service industries (restaurants, hairdressers, flower sales, etc.). Although the number of taxpayers decreased by 1.6% compared to the previous year, as the main reason for it was assigned  to the decision of the previous Government of the Republic of Slovenia in January 2021 to abolish the obligation of every customer to request and receive a fiscal invoice. In this sense, the idea of ​​re-introducing the article in VAT law is being considered, by which the buyer who the inspection find did not take over the invoice is fined with a fine of EUR 40.

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Spain cuts VAT

On December 27, 2022, the Spanish government announced a new package of inflation-relief measures which will reduce, and even remove, VAT on many essential food items. The reduced rates are going to be in place from January 1 until June 30, 2023.

The VAT cuts are introduced for the following items:

  • Basic food (such as milk, bread, fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheese, etc.) – rate is reduced from 4% to 0%
  • Oil and pasta – rate is reduced from 10% to 5%
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Fiscalization in Montenegro switched to analog due to cyber hack

End of August 2022, the websites of the Montenegrin Government’s ministries, revenue and customs were compromised by an unknown hacker(s). No official announcement was made of the damage caused by this act, including data loss, as the team of forensics is still conducting an investigation.

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Fiscalization No.2 in Serbia

On May 1 this year, Serbia replaced the two-decade-old fiscalization system. This old system was based on fiscal memory and paper journal. Serbia was the first to introduce an advanced solution in 2004 that was able to transfer data from the fiscal memory to the tax administration server via a GPRS modem.

The new, modern, fiscalization system was implemented in a short period of 6 months. About 240,000 sales locations have been fiscalized so far.

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Fiscalization must not be a political issue

At the July session, the Czech Parliament voted to STOP fiscalization (EET-Electronic records of sale) in the Czech Republic from January 2023. From the beginning, this project has been marked by a political struggle with great resistance from the opposition parties, which today form the majority in the parliament.

EET started to apply on 1 December 2016 for restaurants and accommodation facilities.

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Slovakia: Virtual cash register – eKasa

TA slovakia

Slovakia has been using fiscal cash registers for many years. The number of users (taxpayers) of fiscal cash registers in Slovakia today is 233 thousand. All data from the sale recorded by FCR is stored in its physical fiscal memory, the old fashion way, in the form of Z-report (daily report). This model with physical fiscal memory and hardware security is prone to manipulation and many jurisdictions utilizing such systems in the world today are searching for a more modern and secure solution.

A few years ago, in Slovakia, an amendment to the FCR Law called VRP was introduced for small taxpayers. These online cash registers (virtual) served by the Tax Administration can only be used by the taxpayer who issues a maximum of 1,000 invoices per month. This service is free.

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CZ: Fiscal receipt lottery as incentive

20151016144114-sa2With the desire to increase the popularity of electronic fiscal receipts, citizen survey was conducted in May this year with goal to assess citizen’s affection for the introduction of fiscal lottery. Three-fifth of citizens considered introducing fiscal receipt lottery as positive measure. A majority of the public (55%) is interested in joining a lottery. Senior citizens are more likely to participate (60%). The willingness to participate in a receipt lottery does not differ between men and women or between different educational groups.

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Czech Republic: EET – online fiscal cash registers

Czech Republic EET: online Czech model

Electronic record of sales (EET) in Czech Republic started with first group (hotels and restaurants) in December 2016 and continued with second group (retail and wholesale) in March 2017. Next two business groups will follow up from next year. According to the latest information by the end of August more than 2.5 billions receipts were issued from more than 155,000 taxpayers.

For more information about EET legislation visit our fiscal encyclopedia.

SERBIA: Fiscal lottery mania

Uzmi racun i pobediSerbia introduced fiscal cash registers in 2004. The following year they had a technological breaktrhough in the world of fiscalization as the first country introducing GPRS modem for remote audit, that is connection between cash register and the server of the Tax Administration.

The success of fiscalization in Serbia by the statements of the Tax directors’ was huge. As the years passed, the efficiency of fiscal cash registers was reduced and taxpayers fiscal discipline decreased.

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France: less than a year to fiscalization

France fiscalization.As announced in December 2015 in our News article “FRANCE- Certified POS in 2018”, it’s a lot close now for the VAT payers in France who will be obliged to use only secure and certified POS software and cash registers, starting from January 2018.

BOI-TVA-DECLA-30-10-30-20160803, the regulation which specifies certification rules is published in August 2016. Requirements must confirm data irrevocability, security, storage and archiving which are the basic rules for the certification process.

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