Innsbruck / Salzburg / Linz – As Tiroler Tageszeitung reports, due to allegedly manipulated cash registers tax inspectors and financial police have carried out raids at six catering businesses in Tirol, Salzburg and Upper Austria. The sales suppression software found at the premises reduces revenues of up to 25%, means that quarter of annual revenues remain unreported. Each year this tax evasion is costing Austrian citizens 1 billion euros.
The Ministry of Finance informed press, with reference to the ongoing investigation, that damage to the Treasury made by manipulation of the cash registers is quite significant. The cases will soon be handed over to the prosecutor’s office.
Treasury looses at least 1 billion euros annually. According to new Regulation, which is entering into force as of January, cash registers will be certified, not only for restaurateurs but also for taxis, medical service providers, etc. Tax revenues are expected to rise by EUR 900 million.
Finance Minister Hans Jörg Schelling (ÖVP) said that in the first quarter of 2016 taxpayers will be advised to start the use of the certified cash registers. Those who do not obtain such device are required they give a written statement with reasons for their resistance. In a second step, by 30 June 2016 concerned taxpayers must provide a “clear justification”, why the change to a certified cash register had not yet taken place. If a justification is submitted, no penalty will be provided. It is noted that deadline for the introduction will not change and remain 1 January 2016.
He urged, however, taxpayers and the Chamber of Commerce for a “voluntary commitment”.
Criticism for the mandatory use of cash registers is persistent. Still many questions remain unanswered, according to the Austrian Bar Association, tax consultants and the accountants. It’s inappropriate “high financial and bureaucratic burden”, they say.
The Ministry of Finance indicates the cost of purchasing or upgrading of a cash register with an appropriate security system is in the range of 400 to 1000 Euro.
The Chamber of Chartered Accountants says the regulation is still very unclear.
See more updates about the Regulation here: