Restaurateurs and hoteliers from midnight on December 1st until 09:00 have sent to the servers of Financial Administration 468,000 receipts. According to earlier estimates the first wave of fiscalization by EET affected 40,000 taxpayers.

“EET operation is running smoothly and without any problems. Response time from central system is on average far below one second, even less than a tenth of a second” said TA’s spokeswoman Petra Petlachová.

The government promises to eliminate tax evasion and make business environment equal for all by introducing fiscalization. The right-wing opposition criticized the measure, claiming that will destroy many small businesses. After the hotels and restaurants, from March next year, retailers and wholesale businesses will be obliged to use EET as well.

*EET = elektronická evidence tržeb

For more information about the EET law, visit our Fiscal Encyclopedia.

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