DURSOn the 04/12/2014 meting, the Slovenian government adopted decision related to the amendment of measures against grey economy. One of the conclusions was to introduce from 1st September 2015 the “real cash registers”. Last year, Slovenian previous government, has implemented “virtual cash registers”. Every cash register owner should have a program that prevents the deletion or change of invoices. But taxpayers was given the option of choice whether to use cash register or manual invoices. Although the tax revenue is increased by “virtual cash register” implementation, it was observed that many taxpayers have replaced their cash registers with manual invoicing booklets!!

As announced by the Minister Dejan Zidan “real cash registers” will be networked to tax administration server. New system predicts not only direct transmission of data and their storage for the purpose of inspection, but it contains also a special “hunting tool” which captures every attempt to conceal the payment of taxes in real-time.

A small number of taxpayers, only those who occasionally are issuing invoices will be exempt from the obligations and will be able to issue manual invoices using invoice booklets.

As before, the new government’s decision in Slovenia has many opponents, among them the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia.

The amended Act, which will allow the introduction of “real cash registers”, will be adopted in the first three months of 2015, followed by a transitional period and full implementation 1 September 2015. Let’s wait.

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