Slovakia has been using fiscal cash registers for many years. The number of users (taxpayers) of fiscal cash registers in Slovakia today is 233 thousand. All data from the sale recorded by FCR is stored in its physical fiscal memory, the old fashion way, in the form of Z-report (daily report). This model with physical fiscal memory and hardware security is prone to manipulation and many jurisdictions utilizing such systems in the world today are searching for a more modern and secure solution.
A few years ago, in Slovakia, an amendment to the FCR Law called VRP was introduced for small taxpayers. These online cash registers (virtual) served by the Tax Administration can only be used by the taxpayer who issues a maximum of 1,000 invoices per month. This service is free.
According to their neighbors, the Czech Republic, who implemented the online EET system in 2016, the Ministry of Finance of Slovakia has announced development of Slovakian online EET (eKasa) variant. At the same time Slovakia announce that eKasa will be more efficient than Czech EET.
eKasa will first start to be used in hotels, restaurants, cafes and gas stations from April 2019. Three months later, online sistem will be mandatary for all taxpayes.
The Ministry of Finance claims that each taxpayer will save EUR 56 with new online cash registers. This amount is the price of the compulsory service fee for the annual FCR maintenance.
In addition to electronic cash registers, taxpayers will be able also to use tablets and mobile phones.
Technical specification can be found on our Fiscal Encyclopedia page, once there, select Slovakia.