certified receipt

First month since the start of the fiscal law implementation (use of certified cash registers) in Slovenia has ended. In this period, inspection controls were only preventive and not punishable in accordance with the new law. In the following period controls will become more severe and will include heavy fines, as officials announced.

Tax inspectors revealed irregularities in 5.5% of registered taxpayers (approximately 7,000 visits). The most common irregularities were:

  • use of illigal software that offers the possibility of issuing signed or unsigned bills,
  • the omission of certain information from the receipts,
  • issuing invoices with the same signature information.

In this sense, the inspectors in the forthcoming period will pay special attention to software solutions to verify their integrity. It is important to note that cash registers in Slovenia are not subjected to accreditation testing, the only requirement is the use of digital certificate issued for taxpayer by the certification authority. Learn more about the legal requirements in Slovenia from our fiscal encyclopaedia, here.

In the previous month, 36.731 taxpayer has begun to issue certified fiscal receipts. A total of 91,192,089 signed receipts were registered.

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