Malawi: EFD prices are burdening traders
EFD prices
Tax reform always comes with a price tag. When this cost is transferred to traders, requiring them to update their bookkeeping software or purchase specialised equipment, it creates massive resistance. Subsidies or tax write-off for these expenses are not popular measure, as suppliers of certified machines require payment upfront. Traders in developing countries, who cannot afford long term planing, consider themselves victims of such reform and do not acknowledge that modernisation will bring them benefits.
There is a solution for that…
… and it doesn’t have to involve costly equipment.
Once fiscalization project is adopted by legislators, Authority have responsibility to secure that variety of compliant products are available. The problem in developing countries is that most of manufacturers do not find interest to venture costly and in some way notoriously corrupted certification process unless the market size can satisfy their production capacity. The solution Authority has to consider is adopting fiscalization method that allows local development of compliant products (software) and reduce influence of imported equipment.
Contact us to learn more about fiscalization methods that will help reduce resistance.